A stylized graphic of a web browser and a checklist with TLD options .com, .net, .org, with a search icon, all set against a yellow background.

What Are the Best .Com Alternatives for Your Brand?

Found yourself at a .com dead-end—or maybe just looking for a better fit? Here are the top domain extensions that should be on your radar.

The .com domain still reigns supreme with over 160 million .com domains already in use. The popular and trusted extension claims more than a third of the global share of all websites, which makes getting the .com domain you want a competitive endeavor.

It’s not unusual to find that our first, second, and most unique .com domain ideas are already taken. But if you find yourself at a .com dead end, don’t panic! The worldwide web is woven with hundreds of top-level domains (or TLDs) that can help you build your digital identity. And, it’s important to know that search engines treat all TLDs all the same.

Let’s delve into some common, clever, and creative .com alternatives that can help you make your mark online.

Tried and true original TLDs

If your .com of choice isn’t available, another classic TLD could be a good fit. Popular domains like .net and .org have held strong since the early days of the internet, when they were initially used to categorize different types of entities and organizations.

Like .com, these original domains help establish credibility and trust. However, their usage has evolved since the 1980s, and many new TLDs have been introduced to meet the growing demands of the internet.

Two classics to consider:


Short for “network,” .net domains are a strong alternative to .com domains. Perfect for those in the technology sector, the .net TLD showcases businesses that provide internet-based services or networking platforms. But use of the extension is unrestricted, making it a solid choice for virtually any kind of business or website. For anyone on the internet today, a well-run .net domain can boost your credibility and brand image.


This domain is a good choice for individuals and businesses dedicated to doing good. It helps organizations like non-profits, cultural institutions, and foundations establish trust online.

If your purpose is to serve the public interest, whether commercial or not, a .org domain can help you find support online. It’s also unrestricted, for use by anyone, for any purpose. And if your cause is humanitarian in nature, it’s an especially suitable .com substitute.

TLDs that mean business

If a .net or .org domain doesn’t meet your needs, there are plenty of other generic TLDs (gTLDs) that can set you up for success — .biz, .info, and .shop are a few strong candidates to consider. These extensions are more likely to be available, and that doesn’t mean they’re bad choices!

Search engines, like Google, don’t inherently value any TLD over another. So how your website ranks in search results depends on the quality of your content, what people are searching for, and many other SEO factors — not which domain you use. Ultimately, what’s most important is that your domain aligns with your business’s branding and goals.

Think about how you want to show up online as you consider these .com alternatives:


Short, sweet, and readily available to anyone, this domain gets straight to the point. Intended for those who offer products, services, info, or entertainment online, the “business” domain can help you reach your audience.

Startups, entrepreneurs, mom-and-pop shops, and big corporations alike can put this flexible extension to work. It’s suited for anyone looking to build and grow online, no matter your industry or purpose.


We’ve all got something to say, and a .info domain tells the world you’re putting it out there where anyone can find it. Launched in 2001 alongside .biz, the “information” domain was also meant to reduce .com domain crowding.

Anyone can use it, but it’s a favorite among news outlets, museums, and a range of businesses and blogs who want to stand out. The versatile extension is perfect for sharing ideas, inspiring audiences, and flexing your expertise on any subject.

Newer and niche-specific TLDs

Any domain that is easy to remember, reflects your brand, and makes sense for your business can be a good choice. As you check out .com alternatives, explore TLDs that are specific to your industry or purpose.

Whether you’re in tech, online sales, or just someone with a burning passion for pizza, there’s a strong domain option besides .com to help get your message out quick and clear.


If you want a domain that says “e-comm” without the .com, there are several options that can help lead potential customers right to your digital front door.

As the buying and selling of goods and services continues to boom online, a domain like “.shop” can help you stand out in the competitive world of online retail.

Check with your domain registrar to see what’s available. You may discover a domain that showcases your e-commerce venture specifically. If you’re a toy seller, for example, a .toys domain might be something to play with!

Popular e-commerce domains: .shop, .store, .shopping, .online, .fashion

Technology and innovation

If you’re one of the millions of worldwide professionals employed by the tech industry, a tech-focused TLD may help you create a strong online presence.

The .tech domain, just to name the most obvious, is ideal for technology-related businesses and startups. TLDs like this can convey your tech expertise or focus in a particular tech field. They can also help to establish credibility and visibility with your industry peers.

Tech-focused folks like web developers, engineers, coders, and data analysts dominate these domains alongside digital marketers, ux designers, and other innovators.

These techy extensions aren’t just for professionals, though. Gamers, digital nomads, and all types of people use them, as they’re mostly unrestricted. Just check with your registrar for the availability of specific domain names and any specific restrictions.

Popular tech-related domains: .tech, .io, .ai, .digital, .code, .dev, .app, .software, .network

Creativity and fun

If you’ve read this far, you may have a unique purpose or passion that calls for an equally special domain. Rest assured, if .com isn’t coming through for you, there’s a TLD out there that’s right up your alley!

Staking a meaningful claim in cyberspace might require a little more creativity…

Do you really love pizza? A .pizza domain might hit the spot. Do you sell horror VHS tapes? Perhaps a .monster domain would scare up online sales. Are you simply the best at whatever it is you do? A .ninja domain might help you tell the world. No joke, those are all real TLDs that are up for grabs.

More creative TLDs include: .guru, .dance, .wtf, .dad, .fun, .rocks, .beer, .unicorn, .lol

Don’t let an unavailable .com domain hold you back. Find a domain that captures your brand and claim it! If you need help, contact your Domain Registry team. We’ve got a few hundred more ideas…